About Us
Agricultural company Druzhba-Nova is one of the largest producers and exporters of agricultural products (wheat, barley, corn,chickpeas, peas, sunflower etc.) in Chernihiv region. As it develops, the company is gradually expanding the geography and scope of operations.
Five farms, located in four regions of Chernihiv oblast are in conversion into organic period and are providing organic in conversion commodities.
Two farms are holding organic certificates (these farms are certified according to EU Reg 834/2007, 889/2008).
Diversification of production activities as per the climatic zones allow to lower the natural risks connected with the yield losses due to variations of meteorologic conditions in different regions of the oblast, as well as obtain high yields of cereal and oil crops every year.
The quality of the cultivated products meets the rigid requirements of both Ukrainian and foreign clients.
In the last few years many new heavy-productive varieties of winter wheat were created and recommended for cultivation. Agricultural company Druzhba-Nova uses dominantly intense high-yielding techniques.
One of the key elements of increase in productivity and quality of the grains are differentiated use of sowing terms and seeding rates. Level of soil saturation with cereal crops has great significance for obtaining sustainable grain harvests. The utmost yield is achieved when grain crops comprise 50-55% in field structure. The agricultural department adheres this position in its work; scientifically well-founded crop rotation plan is one of the most important factors, insuring the consistent quality of grains.
Harvesting operations are performed during limited time period with minimal losses. The grain consignments are formed at the primary storage areas. These consignments are sorted according to the quality parameters, as well as according to implemented lot numbering system in order to guarantee prompt and accurate traceability of organic commodities.
Organic team of the company has implemented new inner quality system. As per this system organic integrity is guaranteed, and new lot numbering system easily provides all the necessary information and documentation on traceability of organic commodities of our project.